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Planning Travels

Welcome to Travels Thought Out; a place to read, discuss and ask for help with your travel ideas. I share my thoughts and inspiration on travel, through my blog and third party links.


The content here is free, impartial and not sponsored.  If you would like to support travelsthoughtout, any contributions via the Support Button at the top of the screen are very much appreciated.


If you have any ideas, questions or requests, please get in touch via this email.


The aim of the blog is to offer a slightly different, perhaps quirky perspective on travel.  Ultimately I hope you find it is useful, entertaining and interesting. I love to travel when I can, but I also love to plan, travel vicariously, research and learn. Sometimes this turns into real travel and sometimes it does not.


Please feel free to contact me, or there is an option to leave a comment after each blog.

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Alternatives to Napa for your California Trip

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay Image by David Mark from Pixabay Most people have heard of the Napa Valley in central...

The Med / Scandi Travel Triangle Trick...

Nothing sinister like the Bermuda Triangle! Instead this is a great hack/travel tip I have used in the past to save a significant amount...

Travel inspired retro T-shirts

With a birthday coming up, I have done some casual 'online T-shirt window-shopping' and noticed a few items that may be of interest. So...

The CO2 'Conspiracy', Flying, Hypocrisy and Me

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay This is not a conspiracy about airlines or governments or big corporations, it is a more subtle one...

How the Pepper got into the Chilli Pepper...

So partially for them, here are some food related facts from around the world starting with a chili one. I should point out from the start,

747: Past-Present-Future

what you can do with a retired 747. It’s a plane where you don’t have to love planes to still love it.

Reposted: Best spots for a beer found so far....

Lockdown is becoming harder and harder, especially mentally; while it feels like we are maybe over half way through it, it doesn't feel...

Getting Social

Hello, just a quick post to say that I am trying to add to the site with a bit of social media (please don't laugh), so there is now a...

The ultimate imagined NFL tour via Amtrak is complete!

In case you missed these, or are new to the Blog, here are quick links to all four parts:- Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Image by David...

Part 4 - The ultimate imagined NFL tour by rail

Image by David Mark from Pixabay Wednesday 9th October An early start this morning; a short hop back up the East side of the Bay Area on...

A fraction of a blog post...

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay It has been busy at home this week, a birthday to organise in lockdown and plenty of home...

Part 3 - The ultimate imagined NFL tour by rail

Just to add that the NFL fixtures for the 2020 season are out now. However, I don't think it has yet been decided which particular games...

Best spots for a beer found so far....

Lockdown is becoming harder and harder, especially mentally; while it feels like we are maybe over half way through it, it doesn't feel...

Part 2 - The ultimate imagined NFL tour by rail

Saturday 14th September; You might have splashed out on a sleeper roomette on the train from Charlotte for $190, but given that you would...

A socially distanced reintroduction to travel

Image by Eak K. from Pixabay Not a very catchy title I know; but essentially this blog entry contains three ideas on where you could go...

Part 1 - The ultimate imagined NFL tour by rail

Recently there have been some very impressive travel trips involving a visit to a game at all the different National Football League...

And so to begin...

Welcome to my travel blog! What a time to start; with the effective prohibition on travel, it is hard to know how to begin; but here...

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